Preliminary Theological Certificate (PTC)
100 Ministry Stories
By recording stories of our College graduates, we pray that others will be encouraged and their faith built up in joyful assurance.
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The College is committed to providing financial support to our students that will support them to continue in their studies. The Student Support Fund is a way to provide this type of additional support, particularly for living expenses.
PTC student
Felicity Mullins
I am now on my 12th study book [in the PTC]! My favourite study was Old Testament 3, written by Graeme Goldsworthy! I have even bought his book The Goldsworthy Trilogy. I thank the Lord so much for godly teachers to help us in our study of God’s Word. Thank you Moore College too, may God bless all that you do.
2018 alumnus
Peter Hynes
Before coming to college Rebecca and I lived in Carcassonne (France). She was a nurse and I was working in an engineering firm. We were very involved in our local independent reformed evangelical church and I was being encouraged to consider further training. One of the things that tipped it for us was me having to take a funeral. The reality of death and the need to prepare people to...