Preliminary Theological Certificate (PTC)
100 Ministry Stories
By recording stories of our College graduates, we pray that others will be encouraged and their faith built up in joyful assurance.
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Contribute to the Student Support Fund (SSF)
The College is committed to providing financial support to our students that will support them to continue in their studies. The Student Support Fund is a way to provide this type of additional support, particularly for living expenses.
2018 alumnus
William Quach
William grew up in Cabramatta in South West Sydney. His parents were refugees to Australia from Vietnam. A friend of his mother convinced her that she should go to church, and that taking her children was a good idea “to avoid them going down the wrong path”. So that’s how he ended up going to Cabramatta Anglican church from age 6 years. During college, William spent two years at MBM...
2006 alumnus
Kellie Nicholas
Kellie was born and raised in Canberra in a non-Christian home, although she grew up going to church with neighbours and friends. She committed her life to Christ in year 12, and then while studying Education at the University of Canberra she was very involved in ministry to international students. She continued with this after university while doing a ministry apprenticeship with MTS before coming to Moore. “Moving to College...
2017 alumnus
Lisse Reid
Studying at Moore is “disciples making disciples” in action for me, having been born on Little Queen while Dad was studying at College, and now living on “Big” Queen Street while I study. For both my husband Craig (who finished last year) and me, taking time to study at Moore College is about being equipped for a lifetime of raising up disciples of Jesus who will make more disciples of...