Adjunct Faculty, Church History.
Qualifications: BSc (Sydney), BD (Moore), PhD (Cantab).
I grew up in Wollongong and was blessed to be raised by Christian parents. In year 7 I committed to following Jesus personally and have sought to live out my faith since. My first experience at Moore was as a university boarder in 1997-98 where I met Joc who was studying dentistry. After marriage we spent some time in Cambodia on mission before returning to Moore from 2004-07. We served on the ministry team of Moorebank Anglican Church and I was particularly responsible for the saints at St Anne’s Hammondville. In 2011 the myself, Joc and four kids moved to Cambridge where I did my PhD and served at All Saints Little Shelford. In 2014 we moved back to Moore and Abby joined the family. We meet each week with the saints at Cammeray Anglican Church. I enjoy spending time with the family, preaching, reading and supporting Essendon.
Family: Ed is married to Jocelyn, and they have five children: Jemima, Sophie, Benjamin, Samuel and Abigail.
Research interests: include Anglican, reformation and evangelical history, Ecclesiology, atonement, revelation, preaching.