What is Moore College Sunday?
Moore College Sunday is a special day where we join with local churches to encourage prayer for the College, its mission, and the churches it supports. We invite everyone to pray for our students, graduates, staff, and faculty, and to consider becoming an active part of the Moore College community.
When Moore College has a need, we know that the most important thing to do is pray. For over a century, God’s people have been praying for the college, and when they’ve prayed, God is never slow in answering.
In 2024, MCS was held on 4 August.
Our college, which continually grows and expands to nurture more and more men and women seeking to grow in Christ, is built on the prayers of people like you. Join the generations of God’s people who have carried every one of Moore’s needs to the throne of grace and partner with us on Moore College Sunday. Moore College Sunday is officially held annually on the first Sunday of August. If you can’t hold Moore College Sunday on this day, that’s OK. We value your prayers and support of our College, and will have resources available for the rest of the year!
Prayer for Moore College Sunday
Heavenly Father,
We your people give you thanks for the gospel of the Lord Jesus and those who first shared it with us. We look at the world around us and see a world corrupted and decaying and people lost and without hope. As Jesus said in his time, “the fields are white for the harvest”. He urged us to pray that you would send labourers into your harvest so that men, women and children might hear, believe and be saved. You have raised up Moore College to prepare people to spend their lives in a ministry of the word that strengthens your people and reaches out to those who are lost. Would you please draw many people to Moore College in order to equipped for that work? Please keep our College faithful to your word, its teachers and students humble and gracious in their ministry of it, and would you provide the College’s daily needs so that it might continue this work until the day on which Jesus returns.

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