by John Menear, Acting General Secretary
Many Christians around the world have never been taught that the Bible tells one big story – about God’s plan to save us through Jesus. Without an understanding of this amazing story of salvation, some believers don’t realise that they are saved not through keeping the law, but by the grace of Jesus.
That’s why a number of our CMS missionaries serve with MOCLAM, where Spanish-speaking students learn how to understand and faithfully teach the whole of God’s word. MOCLAM courses are based on material from Moore College’s Preliminary Theological Certificate.
In Valencia, Spain, CMS missionaries Jim and Tanja French teach the first MOCLAM subject, Creation to New Creation. They share,
“Over and over our students are thrilled with how this course helps them to put the Bible and its stories together into the one big plan of salvation by God for us: our redemption through Jesus.”
Marta is a student from Madrid who recently studied with Jim and Tanja. In her final essay she writes,
“For me it has been a discovery to stop to think about certain historical stories or moments while doing this work and realise that everything points to Jesus, to the smallest details.”
CMS missionary Peter Sholl is the International Director for MOCLAM, and is based in Mexico along with his wife Sarah and their family. Peter recently taught a Christian Worship course to a small group in Panama, and at the end of the class students shared what they had learned:
“One student said they had learnt how to read the Old Testament. Previously, it had been too scary because it was full of rules that he found impossible to obey or stories that were confusing. But now, knowing that the fulfilment of the Old Testament is Jesus… it helps him understand who Jesus is and what difference that makes to his life.”

In the coming months MOCLAM will be undergoing some changes in leadership that you can be praying for. Peter and Sarah Sholl will be returning to Australia in June for their final Home Assignment. Adrian Lovell will take up the role of International Director in Peter’s place. And you will already have heard of John Lovell’s departure from MOCLAM as he and Jodi prepare for his new role as General Secretary of CMS NSW & ACT.
Please pray for Peter and Sarah, Adrian and Anita, and John and Jodi as they each prepare for a new season of life and ministry. And pray for students studying MOCLAM throughout the Spanish-speaking world – that they would know God’s plan of salvation through Jesus, and that more students would be raised up who can understand and share God’s word!