Preliminary Theological Certificate (PTC)
100 Ministry Stories
By recording stories of our College graduates, we pray that others will be encouraged and their faith built up in joyful assurance.
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The College is committed to providing financial support to our students that will support them to continue in their studies. The Student Support Fund is a way to provide this type of additional support, particularly for living expenses.
2020 alumnus
Dan Tooma
Dan grew up in a Christian home and attended church religiously every Sunday with his parents. In his words, “this was mainly due to being forced by my parents. In fact, my parents were quite strict, and made us read the Scriptures daily.” Dan shared that while this led to a great deal of head knowledge, he wouldn’t have said he was genuinely saved. As a teenager, he tried to...
2017 alumnus
Tim Rowe
We’re a couple of country kids who’d love to see the nations praise Jesus. I grew up on a ‘hobby’ farm in Armidale, while Sarah was on a ‘real’ farm in Oberon. We both were blessed with Christian families at home, and benefited hugely from joining a ‘family’ of Christians when we came to Sydney for University. I was studying Engineering, but the most valuable thing I learnt at Uni...
2016 alumnus
Stephanie Judd
Stephanie graduated from Moore and now oversees the teaching, training, and discipleship of women at City on a Hill, Melbourne. Stephanie chose Moore because of the fine Bible teaching she received from Moore graduates and the rigorous language component. In preaching, evangelism, discipleship and apologetics, she has found herself increasingly up against strong cross-pressures of secularism. She regularly gives thanks to God for the rigorous disciplines learned at Moore, which...