Tuesday 2nd September 2025
9:00am – 4:00pm
Moore Theological College, Newtown
Prepare a future sermon series! Join us for a full day of expert teaching and sermon planning focusing on the gospel of Luke. Dr Peter Orr, New Testament Lecturer at Moore Theological College, is currently working on his commentary on the Gospel of Luke. Peter will work with individuals and staff teams offering a morning of teaching, exploring the theology and overall message of Luke as well as considering the issues that arise from the book. The afternoon will provide time, space and resources for collaborative work preparing your sermon series, with College Library resources being made available. The day will finish with an opportunity to share your sermon series with other participants and ask Peter any follow-up questions.
9:00am Luke: Session 1
10:00am Morning Tea
10:20am Luke: Session 2
12:10pm Lunch
1:00pm Write your series
3:00pm Feedback and question and answer
4:00pm Finish
Take away
Leave with a deeper understanding of Luke and a sermon series ready for the following year. A simple graphics package will also be available for attendees to support the visual preparation of the sermon series. For those bringing staff teams it is an excellent opportunity to spend focused time together learning and planning for the coming year.
$50 per person includes morning and afternoon tea and lunch and provision of simple graphics package for use with sermon series.
Should I attend?
If you are involved in preparing a sermon series for your church we encourage you to join us. Staff teams are encouraged to attend together so that the sermon series can be integrated across your church’s various ministries. Consider attending both days of expert teaching and planning on books in both the Old and New Testaments.
You are welcome to attend either day or both days of the Plan Your Sermon Series events. Please register below for the session on The Book of Luke and access registration for the Lamentations session through the individual event on the College Events page.