PTC Bursary Application Form Please read the information below carefully before asking a suitable Christian leader, Chaplain or Prison Education Officer to complete this application form on your behalf. Once submitted, the application will be assessed and you and your ‘sponsor’ will receive an email response letting you know the outcome. PTC Bursary enquiries can be directed to Please note The cost of a Moore PTC Unit is already low ($50 / PTC Unit Enrolment). Although generally affordable, it is recognized that some people cannot afford PTC study. An eligible PTC Bursary Applicant will be: suffering financial hardship without other means of financial support to study living in Australia able to study in English likely to benefit from PTC study. Potential Bursary Applicants meeting the above criteria need to ask a suitable Sponsor to apply on their behalf. Suitable Sponsors include an Employed Church Worker, Chaplain, or Inmate Education Officer. The Sponsor should only complete this Application Form if the Bursary Applicant meets the above criteria. The number of PTC Bursaries available depends on donations to the PTC Bursary Fund. PTC Bursaries will not be replaced by equivalent cash value. PTC Bursaries are not transferable to another person. Sponsor Details Sponsor First Name Sponsor Surname Sponsor Email Sponsor Phone Sponsor RolePlease select... Church Minister Chaplain Correctional Centre Education Officer Other Other Name of Church / Organisation Address of Church / Organisation Suburb StatePlease select... ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Post Code Applicant Details Applicant First Name Applicant Surname MooreID (if existing student) Applicant Email Applicant Phone (for inmates, please put the email of the person who will enrol them, e.g. their Chaplain or Educational Officer) Address of Applicant Suburb StatePlease select... ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Post Code Statement by Sponsor I confirm I understand the conditions of this Bursary include: suffering financial hardship without other means of financial support (e.g. working spouse, government benefits) an Australian resident able to study in English likely to benefit from PTC study. I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the applicant fulfils the above bursary eligibility conditions. I confirm that I will inform Moore College if I become aware of circumstances that make the above Bursary Applicant ineligible. Check boxes Questions for Sponsor about Bursary Applicant 1. How long have you known the PTC Bursary Applicant? Less than 6 monthsLess than 3 yearsMore than 3 years 2. Is the Bursary Applicant currently living in Australia. YesNoUnsure 3. Is the Bursary Applicant already a PTC student?YesNoUnsure 4. Has the Bursary Applicant previously been granted a PTC Bursary? YesNoUnsure 5. What financially limiting circumstances does the Bursary Applicant have? Inmate in correctional CentreLong term welfare recipientOther Other 6. Are any of these options available to fund their study…? o Paid employmentYesNoUnsure o Working spouseYesNoUnsure o SavingsYesNoUnsure o PensionYesNoUnsure 7. What level of education has the Bursary Applicant completed? Primary SchoolSecondary SchoolTertiary 8. Has the Bursary Applicant studied in English before? YesNoUnsure 9. Most PTC exams have a multiple-choice format. Is there any reason why the Bursary Applicant might not be able to complete PTC exams? YesNo Details 10. Students have up to 6 months to complete each PTC Unit Enrolment. How many PTC units would the Bursary Applicant be likely to study in this next year? 1234 Please add any further info which could assist in the processing of this PTC Bursary Application.