Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Prayer Points
Moore College knows the importance and imperative of prayer to God’s work at the college.
The College has a number of ongoing ways by which prayer and praise points are circulated for prayer supporters to use for their individual or group prayers, including through PrayerMate.
A Quarterly Prayer Bulletin publication is produced which you can receive by email.
Moore College Prayer Points
Get monthly prayer points from Moore College delivered to your inbox.
Women Praying for Moore
The Prayer Support Group is a group of women from all over Sydney that meets together to pray for the needs of the College, its faculty, students and staff. We are always looking for new women to join us as we express our dependence on God for all things. It is a joy to hear about how God is working in the lives of our students and their families and to find out firsthand how we can best pray for college and its faculty, students and staff. See when the next Prayer Support Group is on.
Men’s Prayer Breakfasts
Twice a year, Moore College also runs a prayer breakfast for men. It is an opportunity to fellowship over breakfast, hear from a speaker, and pray for the needs for the College. We want to invite all men to come along and pray for the faculty, students and staff. See when the next Men’s Prayer Breakfast is on.
Moore College values your financial support and partnership with us. We’ve seen God’s goodness in the faithfulness of our supporters who pray and give in an ongoing way. This has included substantial gifts (including bequests) to the College for specific projects. If you’d like to discuss areas of current need, please contact the Moore College Partnerships on +61 (0)2 9577 9900 or by email at
Note that gifts $2 and over towards the College’s purposes are tax deductible.
Direct Deposits & Cheques
If donating via Direct Deposit, include your name and the fund in the description box. Please also advise the College by contacting the Financial Controller Leanne Veitch on +61 (0)2 9577 9864 or by email at so a receipt can be issued.
Bank: Westpac
Name: Moore Theological College
BSB: 032 016
Account: 293828
If donating by cheque, please send your cheque to the college. If you require a receipt please include a note with your name, address, phone number, email, and instruction on which fund you’d like your donation to be directed towards. If you are planning to give from overseas, please contact us to discuss the various options available. Please note that we are not able to receive overseas cheques.
Moore College Partnerships
1 King St
NSW 2042
Gifts in Wills (Bequests)
The College has been blessed through the gifts in wills of several supporters over the years. Major gifts at the end of life have been of great importance to the College. In fact, Moore College began as the result of a gift in a will. When Thomas Moore passed away in 1840, he gifted a large portion of his estate to the establishment of a college in Sydney.
Moore Theological College was opened in 1856 with three students and one tutor. Since then, thousands of students have graduated from accredited courses, and the Moore Preliminary Theological Certificate course is being used in over 50 different countries.
Almost two centuries since that initial gift, we’d like to ask you to prayerfully consider joining this important ministry through making a gift in your own will to Moore College.
If you would like to register with the College in making a gift in your will, please contact the Moore College Partnerships, on 02 9577 9900 or email
The suggested wording for a gift in your will follows. Note that these words may be varied and made more specific depending on the wishes of the donor. If doing so, it would be good to have someone check the wording with the Moore College Partnerships if in any doubt.
I give *either the sum of …………………. (words or figures for a $ amount), or ………………………. (words or figures for a %) percentage of my estate, to Moore Theological College Council for the general purposes (or specific purpose) of the college, and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer of the College Council shall be a full and sufficient discharge to the executor.
*if the gift is of shares or real property or artwork then sufficient words to identify same should be substituted.
For any further information on how you can financially support the College, please contact the Moore College Partnerships on +61 (0)2 9577 9900 or email
You can also download the below resource to have information on a gift in your will to Moore College in an easy to print format.
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