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Mission in Africa
Malcolm Richards20 Dec 2022Christian mission in the continent of Africa is a huge topic! That’s because Africa is massive, complex and diverse in terms of size, population, ethnic diversity, language and religion. To...
Theological education for overseas mission: is it necessary?
Mark Thompson20 Dec 2022Moore College has always had a global feel. The first principal travelled out from England in 1856. We have taught subjects in cross-cultural mission since at least the 1970s. Our...
Serving the risen Jesus - Luke 24:36-53
Dan Wu26 Jul 2022Jesus challenges us not to keep our hope to ourselves, but to be pasionate in offering it to those around us.
Eager to preach the Gospel - Rom 1:8-17 - Archbishop...
Kanishka Raffel15 Jul 2022Listen, watch or download.
Mission to Hindus
Moore College28 Feb 2022I first really understood the gospel and started growing through Campus Bible Study (CBS) at UNSW in the early 2000s. My friends and I soon realised how few Indians and...