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What kind of church do we want to be?
Mark Thompson17 Feb 2020Recent events have reminded us how easy it is to be trapped in a sub-cultural bubble which obscures what is happening in the wider world. We can think we know...
The realities of mission - Matthew 10:5-39
Mark Thompson25 Oct 2019Listen online or download.
Apply now: Prepare yourself for world mission!
Moore College30 Sep 2019Apply now, join Moore College and prepare yourself for mission throughout the world.
Moore, GAFCON & Theological Education
Ben George24 Sep 2019Earlier this year, our Head of Mission Simon Gillham spoke with Archbishop Foley Beach about Moore’s relationship with the GAFCON movement and the spread of theological education around the globe....
Moore College Sunday 2019: Mission
Moore College12 Aug 2019Join us in thanking God and praying for the work of the college on Moore College Sunday. In this video we hear how Moore College equips people for mission in...
RAAF Chaplaincy at Mission Awareness Week 2019
Moore College29 Jul 2019Kevin Russell and Angela Stanfield from the Australian Air Force share what it's like to be chaplains in the Air Force and how you can support the men and women...