Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures (Psalm 119:89-90).
In Psalm 119, the Psalmist reminds us of two fundamental truths: first, that God’s Word is eternal, and, second, that God Himself is faithful. In Scripture, we see God’s faithfulness in his dealings with his people across all ages, culminating in the glorious death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and continuing to the present as he continues to fulfil His plans and purposes in these last days. This is true in the history of the Church. And it is also true with regard to us at Moore College. Over many generations now, we have been privileged to witness the impact of the gospel on the lives of our graduates, and to see how they themselves have been used by God to impact others as they speak His Word in parishes, on university campuses, and in schools, hospitals, and prisons across Australia and around the globe. All this is evidence of God’s faithfulness and so we respond with praise – for that is His due.
As our graduates have made their way from Newtown to serve in a range of locations, both domestic and further afield, we have been increasingly blessed to see new students come through our doors from a variety of different countries, with different family backgrounds, different stories to tell of how they were brought by God from darkness to light, and a raft of different ministry experiences.

Take for example, Phoebe, one of our current students, who came to Sydney as a ministry apprentice, having previously worked in student ministry in the Philippines. As she served in her homeland, and grew in her joy of knowing God through study and reflection on the Scriptures, Phoebe realised that in order for her ministry to grow, she needed to be formally trained and so made the journey to Sydney.
Or Jason, who comes from a Buddhist background in Malaysia. Jason originally arrived in Australia to study a master’s degree in architecture before the Lord brought him to faith. Since then, he undertook a ministry apprenticeship in Newcastle and is currently preparing to return to Malaysia as a missionary.
Or Trace, who came from Uganda to complete a PhD in Adelaide before also serving a ministry apprenticeship. Trace is currently at Moore College preparing to minister to students within tertiary institutions in Uganda.

Three common elements stand out in these stories. First, Phoebe, Jason and Trace all share a joy in the Lord that comes from their own experience of His faithfulness to them. Second, each one has been raised by God to consider how they might best serve Him with their lives in vocational ministry. And, third, each one has recognised their need for theological education to prepare them towards this goal.
The blessing of these international students also extends to the wider Moore College community, enriching the common experience of learning together.
Please rejoice with us as our college continues to send out graduates into all the earth, who in turn send back future students to Moore so that they themselves might be blessed from the theological formation which our college offers.
We are also thankful our Moore College graduates who are doing the slow but crucial work of prayerfully raising up future Gospel workers and challenging people from the Scriptures to consider ministry for themselves. One current ministry apprentice, who hopes to study at Moore next year, has previously served alongside a former graduate in Africa – and so the cycle continues as we see God’s faithfulness extend from one generation to the next and across continents.

Please pray for our students and graduates, that they might continue to boldly proclaim Jesus and so play their part in raising up more and more workers for the harvest field. Will you please pray that we as a college might continue to faithfully resource and equip all those that the Lord sends us for a lifetime of ministry in His service.
Would you also consider partnering with us financially to this great cause so that in the future many, many, more from places all around the world might have the opportunity to learn and grow in our community? A thorough theological education in Sydney is costly but a quality preparation for a lifetime of ministry is invaluable.
Thank you for your continued partnership with Moore College in training, sending, and recruiting the next generation of Christian leaders in Sydney and around the world.
Your brother in Christ,

Soo Sing Goh
Chief Operating Officer
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Thank you for your continued partnership with Moore College in training, sending, and recruiting the next generation of Christian leaders in Sydney and around the world.
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