I first started thinking about patience when I observed (what I perceived as) a lack of it in my husband nearly every time we had to leave the house together. He is a classic ‘doer’; he loves to act and get stuff done and ticked off. I, by contrast, can (over) think and ponder something until the cows come home. This is why I always need an extra few minutes to reflect on whether I have everything I need before l can leave home. I like to contemplate every possible scenario of what lies ahead so I can be appropriately prepared. Do I need to take a jacket in case somehow we’re plunged into arctic conditions in the middle of an Australian summer? Should I perhaps bring swimmers after all? What if….? And by this point, Dan is already in the car, getting steadily grumpier at my ‘time-wasting’, and I am growing flustered and frustrated at his hurry!
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Praying for patience – Kirsten McKinlay
1969 Alumni Reunion
A group of Moore College students gathered around the College’s only television on 16 July 1969 to watch Apollo 11 land on the Moon and to witness Neil Armstrong’s “one small step for man”. As they sat there, little did they know many of them would gather again in that same room on 31 October 2019, together with some of their wives, to reflect on their times at College and the 50 years of life and ministry since that historic date.
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How I celebrate IWD – Kara Hartley
Celebrating or participating in International Women’s Day (IWD) seems to be growing stronger and stronger every year. This year it is on Sunday, 8th March and although the organisers may not realise it – many of the aims they have for IWD are what Jesus would do – or in fact, does for women.
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Theological College – Have I missed the boat? Rowena Russell
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“We have lost a great champion for the gospel”
Long-serving Sydney Bishop, Ivan Lee, has passed away more than four years after being diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.
Bishop Lee died last night (4th March) at Greenwich Hospital, where he had been receiving palliative care.
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Does the Bible produce bigots?
Mardi Gras is upon us in Sydney. When thinking about the tension in society around the issue of same-sex attraction, it’s easy to wonder if you might actually be a bigot – because you’re a Christian.
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