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Gafcon’s Theological Education Network
Locating Singleness in Genesis 2
Genesis 2 is about marriage, right? Well yes – in part. But it’s not just about marriage. I wonder if we could even say it’s not primarily about marriage. In fact, I would argue that if a single person comes to God’s word looking for truth and hope, they really can’t go past Genesis 2. It’s a passage very much for them – whether or not they ever get married. Let me explain.
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The Minister Drought: A Millennial’s Perspective – Angus Martin
I have really appreciated all the discussion under the catchphrase ‘the minister drought.’ The Pastor’s Heart along with others continue to have robust conversations with some great thinkers about the challenges facing Sydney Diocese. Getting sharp in our ministry thinking in conversation with experienced pastors is always a great thing to be involved in.
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On toppling statues
Surely one of the most striking images of this extraordinary year was the toppled statue of Edward Colston being rolled through the streets of Bristol, England by a furious mob, in June. The statue had been erected in 1895 (174 years after Colston’s death) in recognition of his philanthropy. In his lifetime, Colston had endowed the city with schools, hospitals, homes for the poor as well as churches, including Bristol Cathedral.
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Beware The Dangers of a Victim Mentality
I grew up with a victim mentality. Nobody called it that at the time. But as I look back, that’s what it was. You see, I was a refugee from communist Eastern Europe—from Hungary. I grew up among other refugees, among victims: victims of an oppressive totalitarian regime; victims who saw loved ones imprisoned and killed; victims for whom fleeing their homeland was often the only option left.
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