Our bishops and the Archdeacon for Women have shared several key ways that we can be praying for Sydney and the surrounding areas included in our Diocese. In a panel discussion recorded as part of the upcoming “From Sydney to the World” conference, the needs of our city and ministry were explored.
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Ways to pray for future Sydney
Australian Church Record Winter 2020 Journal
Not everything can be said in a short blog piece. This is where The ACR Journal comes in. Some issues are complex and are best dealt with in more detail. In our journal you’ll find lengthy discussions on relevant and current theological matters within evangelicalism.
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Will FEE HELP changes make theological study out of reach?
The most recent changes to the tertiary education sector are no cause for alarm according to the Rev Dr David Hohne, academic dean of Moore College.
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In whom do we place our trust?
Loving Beirut
The television pictures of the devastating blast which levelled the port area of Beirut has brought home to Australians the dire emergency faced by the people of Lebanon.
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Singing together when we can’t sing together
But what do we do when a pandemic cuts us off from one another? How can we sing when one of these purposes – singing to one another – is taken away from us? What is the place of singing in an online Christian community? These are the questions that music leaders all around the world have wrestled with and continue to, as the COVID-19 pandemic persists.
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