Packer was known to millions of Christians around the world for his popular classic, Knowing God, published in the 1970s. But he was already an established scholar of note because of his earlier works in the 1950s and 60s, Fundamentalism and the Word of God and Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God.
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Now he truly knows
“Silence is violence”: where are the Christian voices standing up for social justice online?
The Bible calls us to stand up for justice, after God’s own heart. While we can be confident that ultimate justice will be achieved when Jesus returns, we are called to seek justice in our own lives.
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Grief over passing of Congo Bishop Désiré Mukanirwa from COVID-19 – Zhien-U
SYDNEY: Anglican Aid’s project partner in Democratic Republic of the Congo and father of four Bishop Désiré Mukanirwa has passed away from COVID-19, after falling ill two weeks ago.
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A new resource for ministry to Aboriginal inmates
Prison Fellowship Australia have launched a new resource specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people who find themselves in jail.
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The “new normal” and the same old story: Evangelism in a virtual world
Throughout history, humans have been subject to sickness, sadness, sin, futility, frustration and the looming prospect of death. While in modern times we’ve often been able to ignore this reality and pretend we’re invincible and immortal, this modern sense of self-sufficiency has now been shattered.
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The bread and butter Christian – Psalm 136
How much is thankfulness part of your life as a follower of Jesus? How much, in our current situation, are you tempted to grumble? How much do you focus on the negative and lose sight of the positive? These questions are significant because giving thanks to God is the mark of a follower of Jesus.
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